HEEROMA BIOMEDICAL is owned and operated by Dr Joost Heeroma in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Joost is a consultant in cannabis-based medicine, specializing in product formulation, clinical trial design, education and regulatory issues.
Joost is a biomedical researcher with MScs in medical physiology and neurobiology, a PhD in functional genomics and over 20 years of experience in academic and contract research. Joost studies how our individual genetic passports determine how we behave, which diseases we are likely to get and how these diseases are best treated. Central to his studies is homeostasis; a collection of biological feedback mechanisms that keep the body in balance and free from disease. Joost currently studies the greatest group of all feedback regulators: cannabinoids.
Apart from running HEEROMA BIOMEDICAL Joost is also chairman of the Cannabinoid Association Netherlands (CAN), an association that liaises between the cannabinoid industry and the Dutch government to ensure optimal regulation of cannabis-derived healthcare products.